Safety Tips for Trick-or-Treating
Wear reflective clothing
It is difficult to see trick-or-treaters at night, especially if they are wearing dark clothing. By adding reflective elements to their costumes and checking that they have a working flashlight, you will help ensure your child is seen by drivers and others on the road.
Go out in groups
There is always safety in numbers. A group of people is much easier to spot by motorists than one individual person. Also, trick-or-treaters who travel in groups are less likely to get lost than one trick-or-treater alone.
Always make sure there is an adult present
If your child is trick-or-treating with friends or other family members, make sure there is at least one adult present in the group. An adult can call attention to dangers that a child might not notice.
Avoid costumes with masks and capes
While they seem like a good idea in theory, a child out trick-or-treating in a costume with a mask that covers their entire face will make it difficult for them to see their surroundings. Likewise, a trick-or-treater might trip on an overlong dress or cape. In some cases, a severe fall can cause a traumatic brain injury. It’s much better to trim the cape or skip the dress all together.
Never go into a stranger’s home
Remind your child never to go into a stranger’s home while trick-or-treating, unless they are accompanied by an adult. This is an important safety tip year round, but especially on Halloween.
Safety Tips for Drivers
Drive Slowly
Some trick-or-treaters will be hard to see. The best way to ensure the safety of all is to drive slower than you usually would. By driving more slowly through dark streets crowded with kids in costumes, you allow yourself and others more time to spot kids crossing the road and avoid an accident.
Watch for wanderers
Children who are out trick or treating will cross the road more often to get to the other houses on the block. With more time spent crossing the street, they increase the likelihood of being involved in an accident.
Take care when entering and exiting driveways or alleys
Young trick-or-treaters will have a harder time being seen over car dashboards and through back windows. Make sure to go through driveways and alleys with extreme caution.
Turn on your headlights- even before dark
Even if it’s light outside, keep your headlights on. Headlights help pedestrians and other cars notice you from greater distances. When it’s growing dark and the streets are packed, every second counts. The farther away trick-or-treaters can see you coming, the more time they have to ensure they are out of your path.
This is a wonderful time of year, but it’s also one of the most dangerous. With more people on the sidewalks and in the roads, there is an increased risk of a car accident. Taking these simple steps will keep you and your trick-or-treaters safe. If you were involved in an accident on Halloween or any other time, contact the car accident lawyers at Aaron Engle Law today for a free consultation.