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The Inherent Dangers of Smaller Vehicles
According to insurance claim statistics from the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS), smaller and lighter cars were more likely to be involved in accidents with more personal injury claims ...
Dark Clothing, Rainy Weather and Short Days Put Seattle Pedestrians at Risk
Black clothing is deeply embedded in Seattle’s culture and fashion. But with the short days, dense fog and rainy weather, motorists often find themselves at odds with pedestrians, and dark ...
The High Cost of a Low Price
Black Friday deals lead to brawls Seattle personal injury lawyerThe holiday season is a joyous time for many. We celebrate with a feast on Thanksgiving and gifts on Christmas, then ...
Infotainment Systems Distracted Driving Accidents
In-car infotainment systems raise risks of distracted driving accidents Seattle auto accident attorneyIf you’re of a certain age, you probably remember when a car radio featured a couple of knobs ...
Trick-or-Treating Safety Tips
Fall is a wonderful time of year. Some of the trees start to change color, the salmon return to the area and, especially in Seattle, it means more rainy weather ...
Bicycle accident fatalities trending upward in the United States
You might ride a bicycle to get a workout while enjoying the fresh air and scenery around Seattle. Maybe you commute to your job on your bike. If you have ...
New Safety Data Helps Washington Drivers Make Safer Vehicle Choices
Car shopping can be a difficult process for any driver. Safety is a priority for many drivers, but it can be difficult to know which vehicle is safest, and which ...
Aaron Engle Law Donates To Spinal Cord Injury Organization
In June, Aaron Engle Law presented a substantial donation to the Oregon Spinal Cord Injury Connection (Oregon SCI). Founded in December 2015, Oregon SCI is a nonprofit devoted to connecting ...